This sparkling lime gelatin salad is embedded with luscious bits of pineapple, cherries, grapes and pears, and takes only minutes to prepare! Allow several...
This is an awesome cranberry salad, easy to make and even easier to eat! My mother in law is an amazing cook and at Christmas or Thanksgiving the family...
This recipe uses fresh cranberries, pineapple, orange, grapes and apples. Delicious with turkey, chicken or ham. Pineapple juice is an excellent substitute...
This recipe is called white gelatin but is very moist unlike regular gelatin. My family has made this every year for Thanksgiving and Christmas and it...
This decadent gelatin salad is comprised of three luscious layers: ruby red raspberry gelatin spread with a rich cheese cake-like layer and topped with...
This refreshing fruit salad recipe with a wonderful twist comes from Hawaii. It's a conversation piece as well...great for parties and potlucks. The Almond...
This recipe is a farm family favorite that's wonderful any time of year. Strawberry or raspberry Jell-O works just as well as cranberry in this shimmering...
My mother called this 'Cherry Cloud Salad,' but in the 70's and 80's everything was a salad! These days most people call it a dessert, as it's very sweet...
This is a simple, tasty, and colorful variation of a classic ambrosia salad. My son loves it; he keeps asking me when I'm going to make some more of that...
This mixed frozen berry salad is a delicious, fruity dessert that is sweet and salty at the same time. Be careful to follow the instructions exactly, or...
This recipe is very large and is used for a grocery store. I would recommend using a third or a quarter of the ingredients for a normal portion. Garnish...
This is one great tasting salad I enjoy making one time a year: when the blueberries are in season. It's pretty much the only thing I make with blueberries,...
I have made this many times. An old-fashioned molded gelatin salad with the unusual and tasty combination of orange gelatin, pineapple, cream cheese, pimento,...
Cool and creamy, great for summer and holidays. Kids love to make and eat this! HINT: Have them decorate the top with cherries and coconut to look like...
This is a delightfully light gelatin dessert with small pearls of tapioca mixed in. You may use any flavor of gelatin mix that you like, and even stir...
My mother-in-law always served this salad at Thanksgiving and Christmas in an orange square dish. It's a luscious favorite filled with pineapple and bananas....
My college roommate took me home to her farm for a weekend visit back in 1962. This is a salad we had for dinner one night while I was there. It's been...
This recipe came from my momma and is my favorite fruit salad. It can also be made sugar-free for those who need to watch their blood sugar. Delicious...
Fruity and cheesy with a little bite. Make the salad firmer by including one small package of prepared unflavored gelatin. Walnuts may be used instead...